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The Lady’s Nocturnal Hunt (PDF)


„ANNAMARIE: – You are leaving, my Lady, and I shall stay as part of yours, your decree, which is part of the Will. I can see the obvious now: I have become throat scratching blue smoke. I perceive you, my Lady, being a warning as an endangered creature, a nocturnal beast, a designated alert. I can see your eternal predestination, heavy and enduring. I can see you have signalled in thousand ways and thousands of shapes, but no one has ever listened to you. I can see that serious deliberation has sent you here again to accomplish your destiny: to make humankind barren.”


Adult Novelette, 75 pages,  ISBN 978-615-81794-1-6 (PDF)

Adult Novelette,  ISBN 978-615-81812-6-6 (ePUB)

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